The Williamsburg Garden
The Williamsburg Garden is our gift to the City and People of Racine. The Garden is located just east of 700 6th Street at the junction of Sixth Street, Washington Avenue and Grand Avenue east of the roundabout and across from City Hall in downtown Racine. It is adjacent to the Historic Fire House #3 Museum. It is a beautiful place for residents and visitors to come in, sit down and enjoy. It also provides a colorful landscape for those just passing by.
It was originally designed to celebrate the Bicentennial and dedicated on July 4, 1976. It is a formal planting in the style of Colonial Williamsburg.
The garden won the Belle City Award for Beautification in 1988.
The Garden was renovated with new plantings for its 40th anniversary. It is tended by the members as a public garden for the enjoyment of the Racine Community.
It was originally designed to celebrate the Bicentennial and dedicated on July 4, 1976. It is a formal planting in the style of Colonial Williamsburg.
The garden won the Belle City Award for Beautification in 1988.
The Garden was renovated with new plantings for its 40th anniversary. It is tended by the members as a public garden for the enjoyment of the Racine Community.
2023 Garden Images
2022 Garden Images
Williamsburg Garden 40th Anniversary
June 12, 2017
June 12, 2017
The Lake Breeze Monday night made the rededication of the Williamsburg Garden quite pleasant. A small crowd of club members, friends and dignitaries were on hand to celebrate our 40+ year gift to the City. There was much admiration, praise & memory sharing as well as consuming of delicious cake and punch. Here's to another 40 years!